6 June, 2018

Personnel Today: Report reveals charities' lack of ethnic and gender diversity

More than a third (34) of the largest 100 UK charities by turnover have no ethno-cultural diversity in their senior leadership team. 

Green Park’s Leadership 2,000 – an analysis of the ethno-cultural and gender diversity of Major UK Charities senior leadership teams, finds that 34 of the 100 largest UK charities, categorised by turnover, have all white senior leadership teams.

The analysis highlights that the largest charitable institutions have incredibly limited ethno-cultural representation at the highest levels of management, with 92% of the senior leadership teams being white. 8.1% of senior positions in Major UK Charities are held by ethnic minority leaders, which drops to 6.2 in the Top 3 positions of Chair, CEO and CFO.

Green Park’s ‘Third Sector Leadership 2,000’ report includes a Diversity Index ranking the largest 100 UK charities on the successful diversification of their leadership teams.

Top UK Charities Diversity Index Top 25

  1. VSO (international development charity)
  2. Islamic Relief Worldwide (humanitarian and development organisation)
  3. Marie Stopes International (leading provider of sexual and reproductive health services in the UK)
  4. ActionAid (Campaigner for rights of women and girls)
  5. Girl’s Day School’s Trust (UK’s leading network of independent girls’ schools)
  6. Plan International UK (leading children’s charity)
  7. Children’s Investment Fund Foundation UK (world’s largest philanthropy that focuses specifically on improving children’s lives.)
  8. Nursing and Midwifery Council (regulate nurses and midwives in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland)
  9. Royal Shakespeare Company (major British theatre company)
  10. National Autistic Society (leading UK charity for autistic people)


This article was published in Personnel Today on the 6th of June, 2018. To read the full article, click here.

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