28 February, 2018

Only Strategic: Green Park recruitment asks: How Will Lloyds deliver on it's BAME promise?

Following Lloyds Banking Group’s public pledge to increase the bank’s representation of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) senior managers, Green Park’s CEO Raj Tulsiani calls for all banking groups to do more to ensure their leadership reflects the diversity of its customer base.

He comments, “Lloyds Banking Group have been vocal about the BAME agenda for some time and it’s good to see a UK bank recognising the need to reflect diversity of its customer base within its leadership.”

Raj Tulsiani praised the bank but also questioned how it will deliver on this promise to increase BAME senior managers to 8% by 2020. “The pertinent question now is how they will deliver on this promise. So far it appears they will focus on internal promotion, but Green Park’s research into BAME representation in the financial services industry indicates the leadership pipeline may not be sufficiently populated to hit this target. Therefore, a more diverse supply chain maybe required.”

This article appeared in Only Strategic on 27th February 2018. To read Raj Tulsiani’s full comment, click here.

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