8 August, 2024

Government Challenges & Opportunities

On 9th July, Green Park held an exclusive CPO event exploring ‘Our Next Government: Challenges & Opportunities’. Together with remarks from Green Park CEO Raj Tulsiani and Managing Director, Jo Sweetland, we welcomed Sir Trevor Phillips, Chair of Green Park, to lead an analysis and share an immediate reaction on the impact of the election and the  challenges and changes facing the next Government.

After opening with an overview of the wider geopolitical landscape and immediate impact of the 4th July election, Trevor shared the three key items that he expects will land on the CPO agenda:

  1. Welfare: with 9 million economically inactive individuals in the UK, there will be significant  battles over the direction of welfare. CPOs should also be aware of increased emphasis on mental health and stress.
  2. Migration: there is huge pressure on the Government to get immigration numbers down, including legal migration. Expect ramifications for your workforce.
  3. DEI: we are only at the beginning of this conversation. In many ways, this is the single most divisive issue in the workplace, so expect it to be an item on the CPO agenda for years to come.

Trevor explored with attendees what effective HR leadership looks like within the context of this agenda. Three key themes emerged:

  1. The HR function has to return to having a big, influential voice in the room.
  2. Forge an alliance with the CIO. We tend to set people against machines, but we have to understand that technology won’t work unless people do.
  3. The compliance burden will be heavy. While you will have to do it, don’t get distracted from the larger picture. Compliance is not the purpose of HR.

To succeed in this landscape, our speakers agreed that any successful CPO will have to expand and manage the notions around what a good workplace looks like and what workers need, in the midst of a plethora of different expectations and inevitable polarizing views on corporate culture.

Green Park are excited to be on this journey with you. We are here to support as companies navigate these complexities through trust and inclusion to help deliver their commercial goals.

For more information about this and other Green Park events, please get in touch.

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