8 November, 2017

Forbes: XX: The key to improving the' Corporate Genome', ROI & Shareholder returns

At a leading U.S. women’s leadership conference organized by Simmons today, the hot topics of discussion included the Harvey Weinstein scandal engulfing Hollywood, the Gender pay gap and diversity issues including women being overlooked for promotion and leadership positions.

While women have certainly had their fair share of issues this year, the need for greater equality is far from just a gender issue. Despite a number of studies finding that diversity in companies has a positive influence on ROI and stock prices, women and ethnic minorities are still significantly under-represented at Board level.

Just over half (58%) of the main boards of FTSE 100 companies hold only white faces, according to the Leadership 10,000 report issued this August by London-based talent consultancy Green Park, which analyzed backgrounds of those holding the top 20 roles within Britain’s biggest firms including CEOs, CFOs and Chairmen, plus the next 100 most senior roles in the FTSE 100.


This article was published in Forbes on Thursday 26th October 2017. To read the full Forbes article, click here. 

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