7 February, 2018

Executive Grapevine: IR35 - A hurdle to interim?

If the impact on contractor hiring has been as big as reported, does this mean IR35 is a hurdle to all interim hiring too? Executive Grapevine speaks with Neil Lupin, Managing Partner at Green Park:

“The public sector has long relied upon a flexible workforce, particularly for the delivery of business-critical efficiency, transformation and service improvement programmes,” explains Neil. “Last year’s changes to the IR35 rules have put the continuity of many such initiatives at risk; forcing up the cost to hire for many essential executive roles by over 25% while the sector is struggling with diminishing budgets.”

“Public sector organisations faced with these challenges have no choice but to attempt to reduce their reliance on interim managers. This in turn puts further pressure on an already stretched workforce. As permanent headcounts continue to reduce and the breadth of skills needed to deliver transformation widens, the demand for executive interims increases meaning we are in a seller’s market. Thus IR35 disproportionately disadvantages those public sector organisations most in need of executive interim support.”


This article was published in Executive Grapevine’s Interim Management Guide 2018 on the 6th of February 2018. To read the full article, click here.

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