10 May, 2018

BOF: Fashion has a diversity problem on the business side, too

The findings are not dissimilar to Green Park’s own Leadership 10,000 (2017) research, that found that FTSE 100 Leadership, within the consumer goods and retailing sectors was only 7.5% ethnoculturally diverse and only 28.2% female.

Steve Baggi, Co-Founder and Head of Retail and Consumer, Green Park talks to Business of Fashion about why the sector is still struggling to diversify its leadership and realise the benefits of a diverse and inclusive workforce.

Specialising in diverse executive appointments within the retail and consumer sector, Baggi explains that many organisations fail to recognise that diverse talent is out there but they need to be open to more innovative approaches to finding it. He describes the sector’s leadership as a “merry-go-round of talent,’ where organisation’s reluctance to hire from outside the sector is exacerbating the lack of diversity.


This article was published by BOF on the 2nd of May, 2018. For the full BOF article, please click here.

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