Green Park Foundation
Job Search
Jo Sweetland, Managing Director
“A global talent advisory firm, Green Park is an industry pioneer in building diverse, senior leadership teams and more equitable workplace cultures.”
Jo Heath, Managing Partner and Head of DICE
“Championing Diversity & Inclusion since our inception, we are driven by the core belief that there’s no shortage of talent, only opportunity.”
Our Commitment
Kai Adams, Managing Partner
“We deliver sustainable business value on a global scale to help organisations bring the future into focus.”
Trevor Phillips, Chair
"Our clients benefit from our data-rich insights into what will drive productivity today and continue innovation through turbulence tomorrow.”
Colin Salmon, Chair of the Green Park Foundation
“Through the Foundation, Green Park aim to deliver £1million of social value per annum to improving children lives and creating a more sustainable, equitable world”
Green Park Foundation
Jo Sweetland, Managing Director
"Our candidate care lasts long past the point of placement and is key to the rich relationships we build from a foundation of trust, authenticity, transparency and inclusion."
Raj Tulsiani, CEO & Co-Founder
“We founded Green Park in 2006 with a mission to change the face of leadership. We retain that same passion and entrepreneurial spirit today as when we started.”
Our Experts
Principal Consultant
Priscilla Akutu-Carter is a Principal Consultant in Green Park’s Diversity, Inclusion, Culture & Ethics (DICE) Practice. Priscilla is a practicing psychologist with over 15 years’ experience in delivering culture and transformational change programmes within the financial services sector. She is well versed in developing and implementing effective DEI strategies, curating inclusive leadership initiatives, and supporting organisations in building a more inclusive and intersectional approach.
Green Park Interim & Executive Limited. Registered in England and Wales. Registered office: 4th Floor, Partnership House, Carlisle Place, London SW1P 1BX.
Company registration no: 05672094. VAT registration no: 888 2432 84 © Copyright 2019. Green Park. All Rights Reserved.